He's really gotten very social lately. He smiles at strangers when they stop to compliment him in a store (as mommy tries to slyly back away from the nice, potential germ-carriers).
He used to cry when someone would stick their faces to close to his "turf" but no longer. He may glance at me for a quick smile of reassurance and then he'll turn it on for his guest.
His mystery crying has stopped. I guess he's old enough to start becoming a bigger part of this world (see previous entry). If he cries, there's a tangible explanation. Mostly it's because he's tired. Mommy will sometimes lug him around because she's still learning to live between nap times. Sometimes it's hunger (And that's a particularly loud one. No mistaking that one for say - boredom).
The hair blow dryer has become my best friend. Times when he's too tired and fussy to sleep are quickly remedied with a 10 minute blast of rushing air (pointed away from the baby, of course!). I tried this as a potential remedy when I read that this "white noise" mimics the sound he heard in my womb. I don't know, I wasn't there but I'll tell you - it works like a charm.
Turns out he's a multi-tasker. He's found his thumb and will suck on the little bitty thing whenever his heart desires. And sometimes it desires right in the middle of mealtime. Boob will compete with thumb for oral terrain. And sometimes he'll miss his mouth and instead stick his thumb in or on his nose or maybe his eye. Occasionally it'll end up in his ear.
We went camping last week. Well, kinda camping. We rented a motorhome so the baby would be more comfortable.
Now, I have always had very strong opinions about people who camp in motorhomes (Howard always laughs when I go down this road). When you have access to a bed and don't have to walk across a campground in the middle on the night to pee, you're not camping. When you can watch a DVD on a giant TV set and listen to the radio, you are not roughing it. I know some may disagree but I don't care. If you don't have to give up some of the modern conveniences to focus instead on the beauty of nature and your inner strength to endure it, what is the point of leaving your living room? Just make a day trip.
Anyway, we rented a pretty sweet 33-foot motorhome "for Kaleb's sake."
We parked it at our favorite surf beach in San Onofre.
And took turns surfing.

Kaleb joined in on the fun.

Though his "board" is the land-locked training wheel version.
Our friend Rebekah came down to join us for the day.

And my college friend, Kelly also visited with her two little girls.

We played Trackball.

We made s'mores by the campfire.

We had a blast.

Camping is fun in a motorhome. Even if it's not all that rough.
SO JEALOUS! I THINK REBECCA told me something about it...should have paid better attention, I would have come down and surfed that spot!!!!
you look awesome and your little boy is delicious!
looks like you guys had a lot of fun... and I COMPLETELY agree with you about camping in a motorhome but at the same time I've done both and it is nice having a bed and a place to go "in doors". I took Maddie "roughing it" camping in July. It was definately a new experience trying it with a baby.
I would love to learn to surf, that's on my to do list sometime in this life...that and golf and maybe some other things too.
So cute ;-) What a hot family........................
Hi Rina- You don't know how wonderful it is to see those pictures. I wish you all the best, and please keep me posted.
nice job on this and thx for the shout out and pic! :) xoxo
How delightful to see you with all of your "men." You look and sound so happy, Rina, and I appreciate your sharing the highlights of your not-really-camping-but-in-a-motorhome weekend.
The pictures are absolutely adorable - WE have to make sure to coordinates the dates for next year - WE ARE GOING!
Beautiful! I couldn't stop reading your blog. You are an awesome writer. Have you read Anne Lamott's "Operating Instructions"? If not, I'll get it for you.
Thanks for your eloquence and humor in describing new motherhood -- brings back memories that grow more distant as my children's independence and personhood evolve.
Looks like a lot of fun. :)
Awesome blog!!! (Again of course)...thanks for posting pics of me that look marginally good - not icky ones!!! Totally had a blast - girls LOVED IT!!!!
I agree with you on the whole camping thing. I never used an RV until our first trip with Isabella as a baby. In the exact same motor home as yours. Our hubby's are on the same path. I am so happy you had such a good time with your family and friends, so sorry we could not have joined you. =(. Hugg Mr. Handsome Face for Zoey and I!
impressive & way fun! thx so much for sharing!
You guys look so happy! The little man is amazingly beautiful! (and I'm not typically one to see 'beauty' in babies, the first thing that usually pops into my head when I see one is "that looks like a little alien" and then I try to figure out what planet they're from)
Where was your camping trip? I love the blog btw- the drunken sailor thing is frightening (that would easily result in a protracted multi-million $ lawsuit today....wonder what the statute of limitations is on that? You might be onto something here :)
Veddy nice!
Looks like so much fun, Rina - way to go!!! I get so stoked when new mommies will take their little ones out for adventure before they're old enough to know what "roughing it" means. I'm bummed I couldn't make it down to see you all!!!
Hi Rina Kins
Mr. Handsome Face is sooo cute, I love that picture of you looking at him. I miss you!! I want to come meet him, or maybe you can bring him around here and we can meet.
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also love the lay people comments, I need that!
I can't believe how much Kaleb has grown!!! He is adorable. What a beautiful family you are. You make me want to go camping RV-style!
Thanks so much for sharing! So glad you had fun. I love your blogs, you are such a good writer. I want to meet Kaleb! What a yummy creature he is. I can come over after work sometime.
Hi Rina (and the boys),
Looks like you had a wonderful trip. That's my kind of camping... NO TENT!
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