I meant to go back and edit this one day but since Kaleb has recently turned three and even has a not so brand new one year old brother, I figured I'd better gitty up! I am publishing this even thought it's ridiculously outdated because the pictures are cute!
365 days of inching his way to take a bigger portion of space in this world and in our hearts.
That is crazy. When they say it happens fast, they don't lie. He's practicing a new word: no. He's been shaking his head no since one night when we were taking a bath, maybe 2 months ago (the baby book didn't have a line for 'when he first said no' so I can't remember exactly when) and I asked if he was ready to get out. He shook his head no and that began the first instance of him communicating with me in a comprehensive fashion.
Since then, he's started pointing at things he wants or where he wants us to take him or wants to know what they are. He'll sometimes make sounds that resemble a drunk's slurred "What's that?" I try to encourage enunciation but he ignores me. Or just laughs.
Here are a few highlights since I haven't had a chance to post since NOVEMBER.
He's crawling now but it took a while:
Daddy tried to help:
Now crawling's a snap. His favorite place to crawl is on the changing table - while I'm trying to change him with a big poop still stuck to his tushy.
He started expressing himself facially before he ever started saying any words. Here is how he began to express his displeasure with us.

He's still not really napping and my mom is a godsend, she comes once a week (sometimes we'll kidnap her for a few days, yay!) so I can at least wash my hair and get some stuff done. No, he's still not napping more than 1/2 an hour if that. Unless I'm in the car, of course....

For some insane reason I thought it would get easier as he got older. Well, I know what I'm doing now (at least that I won't drop or break him) but the problem is (and by problem I mean gift)....that he is growing at light speed.
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