Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Living Life On the Sidewalk

How many of us are waiting for something to happen so our "real" life can begin? When I graduate from college then my life can start. When I get married, when I have a baby, when I get that job, when we move into that new house....I know I fall into this category. Over and over again. I'm always waiting for the next big thing to happen so my life can really start.

Yesterday I shared a moment with my children when they discovered caterpillars on the park sidewalk.

I'm not sure if they too are already fantasizing about the day their "real" lives will begin (though I do hear Kaleb say things like, "Mommy when I turn five, then can I watch Power Rangers?" ~ he just turned four!) but it was at that moment that I realized that this was my actual life and it was already happening! I've done most of the stuff on my list: I graduated from college. I had a fulfilling career. I met an amazing man and married him. I had two incredible children and inherited one from my husband. My life is on. There is no reason to keep delaying my full appreciation of it.

I recently heard that people don't realize that they're happy until the moment's over. That made me so sad. It made me want to horde every moment so I can use every bit of it up while I still had it. Everything changes. Sometimes not fast enough, sometimes much too fast. But once it's gone, it's just a memory. I'm going to try and make my memories ones of moments I don't regret not appreciating.